RIDING HOME sizzle/trailer

A 2.5 min taste of our film


If you knew your life would end soon, how would you live differently?

Caryl, a former horse trainer from Vermont, has been handed a challenging diagnosis—terminal cancer. Yet, rather than retreating from the difficulties ahead, Caryl has chosen an extraordinary path: openly confronting death and dying as her life unfolds. Incredibly, Caryl has agreed to be documented by us during this final chapter— a story of resilience, acceptance, and the transformative power of embracing life's greatest challenge by leaning into the things we love most.

The documentary aims to capture the essence of Caryl's spirit as she navigates the complexities of a terminal illness while living as fully as she can each day. Caryl feels she is making a conscious choice to "live well with cancer," and continuing to care for and build relationships with her three beloved horses gives her purpose and energy. She also deeply enjoys and appreciates the company of her family— her beloved caregiver husband and their two adopted children (formerly her niece and nephew). At the same time, she is exploring all of the options for how and where she may want to die openly with friends and family, and on camera with us. Like all parts of the human experience, the end-of-life stage is complex and contains moments of both joy and despair, sorrow and humor, awkwardness and grace. We are so deeply grateful that Caryl is allowing us to bear witness to her experience navigating this time of her life.

The heart of this documentary lies in its mission to foster open conversations about death and dying, subjects often shrouded in stigma and silence. Caryl's candidness serves as a powerful testament to the importance of breaking down these barriers and bringing this difficult topic to the forefront. By sharing her journey with vulnerability and courage, Caryl becomes a beacon of hope for those grappling with similar circumstances, and her story offers renewed appreciation for the beauty found in both the joys and sorrows of existence.


Creating a documentary of this magnitude requires resources, and we are inviting you to join us in making this film possible. We are looking to raise funds to cover production and post-production expenses, as we wholeheartedly believe in the profound impact that Caryl's story can have on a broader audience. Your support will play a vital role in bringing this narrative to life, ensuring that Caryl's powerful message reaches far and wide.

As we embark on this project, we invite you to be a part of something truly meaningful. Your support, whether big or small, will contribute to the creation of a documentary that not only honors Caryl's resilience but also becomes a catalyst for positive change in the way society views life, death, and the inherent strength of the human spirit.

If you’d prefer to support our film with a charitable (tax-deductible) gift, CLICK HERE